Monday, June 14, 2010

Opentable redux

As an unabashed "online reservationist", I've often wondered about the lack of Opentable (or similar) access in RVA restaurants.
This recent article in the NYTimes on No-reservation restaurants was interesting:
Comments (mostly expressing like sympathies - my bias is obvious !) on the followup in the Diner's Journal.

I guess the number that interested me was all the way out on page 3 - "The average restaurant spends $1,500 to $2,000 a month on OpenTable". Now, I'm even more intrigued by the calculus. This is for NYC, where presumably everything skews higher. Also averages are generally less useful compared to medians. So what might be a reasonable value here? This number is meaningless if considered a pure outlay. And the old dismal science favorite - Opportunity costs?

Some numbers (as of today) - NYC (Manhattan alone) - 917, DC - 249, NoVA - 150, Norfolk/VA Beach - 41, RVA - 25 ! Sigh...!!

Edit: I was informed (accurately) that the last numbers are also meaningless unless normalized to population. So a little bit of wiki-ing and consideration of what the census bureau calls a metropolitan statistical area
(2009 est) DC - 5.29m, Norfolk/VA Beach - 1.65m and RVA - 1.2m.

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