Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What we're watching ....

amidst some busy times, a thoroughly fascinating documentary film on the great sushi master Jiro. Dining at his celebrated, sushi only, Michelin 3-star restaurant, Sukiyabashi Jiro, may well be beyond the reach (or even interest) of most, but this movie offers a mesmerizing glimpse into a chef, his craft and notions of 'perfection':
From the superlative, to a mixed bag of a book by Tyler Cowen, "An Economist Gets Lunch". Primarily included here because his blog has long been on my reading list and led me to some good eats around DC. A fascinating premise, if he focused on tying economics and food, which crop up every now and then. Instead, his skewering of foodie pretentiousness and holier-than-thou "locavores", both easy targets to begin with, is upstaged by his own, albeit in a different sense.

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