Sunday, July 3, 2011

Ice cubes melting at an alarming rate

As temperatures rise, the inexorable shift of caffeinated beverages to those of the iced kind begins. Pure water ice cubes remind me of an old engineering chestnut - "the solution to pollution is dilution". Something we'd presumably like to avoid in the coffee cup.

I think coffee cubes are an elegant solution, albeit one I've only seen only in a few places around - of recent note - Captain Buzzy's Beanery and way out in the cozy Ashland Coffee & Tea shop. I'm hardly a coffee afficionado but technically, if using a good number of coffee cubes, one doesnt even need to chill the coffee a priori. This would imply perhaps, that the choices for the hot version are easily available for the iced version !

Speaking of the far far away ACT, I like how it is casual and comfortable without trying hard. Disparate couches with plenty of dawdling material all around. Bring, forget (?), take, leave - seems to work out nicely. Closer to home, the Ellwood's Coffee shop presumably approaches this ambiance, although I do need to research if they've worked on the dilution problem.

The headline - shamelessly copied from an old Onion article, with a brilliant scientific graph to boot.


Anonymous said...

No ICE-9?

griddlebone said...

Nice one CFS! Didnt think of that.. Saludos !!

Anonymous said...

Hi There,

I represent several wine and spirits and would love for you to try one locally.

Can I please be provided with an email address?

Thanks so much.



Anonymous said...

Sorry. I can be contacted at